Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Break-through solutions to difficult marketing problems.

Welcome to my portflog, or blogfolio!

What I have here are the best and brightest of my projects. Projects that were important stepping stones on my path to being a modern creative. What you won't see here are the hundreds of day-to-day projects or bread-n-butter that I've had the pleasure of working on. They are important, but unabashedly numerous.

My latest baby I'm most proud of is the OnStar 4G LTE Unboxing event I led over the summer of 2014. Here's a video case study.

Thanks for stopping by!

Kevin Omans

OnStar 4G LTE Unbox Case Study from kevin omans on Vimeo.

OnStar CES Oculus Experience

Problem: How do you grab the attention and imagination of a hundred-thousand tech enthusiasts without a big new story?

Solution: By telling a big story in a new way.

Role: Creative Director

We developed the overall CES OnStar/Chevrolet exhibit with the OnStar key brand pillars in mind. It was sectioned into themes to emphasize the Powerful, Simple and Connected aspects of the brand. Each section had a representative vehicle (Corvette, Malibu and Colorado respectively) and graphic information services that spoke to each theme. 

We knew we wanted a bigger draw though. Some way to stand out of course. To do this we decided to re-envision the Powerful, Simple and Connected themes in a completely different and virtual way. 

We created a world that took you outside of the CES experience. About 10 miles outside of Las Vegas to be exact.  When you put on the noise-cancelling headphones and goggles you were taken to an open wilderness, complete with calming wind and crickets.  Rich Somer, of Mad Men fame, was your guide as you used an Xbox controller to explore this wilderness. You were presented with the three key vehicles and short animations that would explain the aspects of OnStar that prove how Powerful, Simple and Connected it is.