Monday, July 18, 2016

The GM VPP Site Redesign

Problem: GM has 6 Vehicle Purchase Programs, each with its own distinct brand (see the post below!), but it did not want 6 different website portals.

Solution: Develop and design a responsive site that not only delivered on the important features visitors needed, but also let each of the unique brands shine through.

Role: ACD /  Designer

I worked closely with UX and Development to design a user experience that felt both functional but also gave each of the brands the opportunity to feel unique. Visitors coming from other brand executions would encounter a seamless brand experience.

This is an example of the Supplier Discount site, the brand tone is a sophisticated presentation of the GM products, leveraging beautiful detail-focused photography and sleek black visual cues.

The GM VPP re-branding

Problem: GM has six different discount programs targeting vastly different audiences, but none of them had their own brand identity.

Solution: Develop strategies from the ground up and relaunch each program as its own unique brand.

Role: ACD / Art Director

The GM Vehicle Purchase Programs include the GM Military Discount, Supplier Discount, Family First Discount, College Discount, Educator Discount and Dealership Employee Discount. Each program was relaunched from the ground up including strategic insights, new brand look-and-feels and logos.  I directed a small team of Art Directors and Writers to develop the brand design and tone for each of the programs.