Saturday, July 20, 2013

OnStar FMV Product Launch

Online Media

Problem: How do you announce that OnStar is now available on most vehicles on the road when the world thinks it's only available on GM vehicles? 

Solution: Let them know that OnStar now comes in a box. 

Role: Digital Creative Director / Art Director

The campaign direction was dubbed the "Power of the Box." The concept for our online media was that every banner was a "box", and in each of those boxes the services of OnStar lived. We created real-life stages that were proportionally correct for each of the three standard banner sizes - 300x250, 728x90 and 160x600.

In each of these stages we filmed actors representing the key services of OnStar passing a multi-sided sign between each other denoting what service they represented. The banners all started out with the lid of the box opening to reveal the characters, and then closing 15 seconds later to reveal the product. 

The FMV Experience

Problem: How do you not only announce a completely new way to get OnStar, but also inform a public that thinks OnStar is only about Safety about it's other relevant daily uses?

Solution: Create an experience with digital video content explaining how you can use OnStar in your daily life and drop it absolutely everywhere.

Role: Creative Director / Writer / Art Director

We partnered with This Moment who have a platform that allows you to deliver a consistent experience across YouTube, Facebook, Mobile and Online Media. Wherever we found our viewers, we were able to offer up our content. Our content consisted of 4 made-for-digital videos that covered the basics of what OnStar FMV could do for you. I wrote and art-directed the videos with the awesome people at the Mill. There was also a real-time commenting system that allowed comments from anyone at any one of the experiences locations to be seen in all experiences...even the expanded banners.

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